Last Saturday I wasn't working the register, I was the "floor person" (as we call it) that night. The one who gets to do all the stocking and cleaning. I was glad I wasn't working the register, I love when I work it, but I also like being the floor. When I work the register I'm constricted to stay by the register, that means if were slow I get bored because I've already done everything. With the "floor" I could go anywhere in the store and there's always something new to stock and clean.
I just got finished stocking the beer. It was five O'clock on a Saturday night and we had already ran outta cold packs of Bud Light 20 packs. Not good. I just put two hot ones in, I knew people would complain, but it is what it is. I can't make something get cold fast, especially with our coolers. I went over a few coolers down and I started to clean it.
This older guy whom I don't remember seeing before came over to the beer coolers. I looked over smiled at him, he smiled back. He grabbed one of the hot Bud Light 20 packs and set it over on the ground, then opened the cooler right next to it and got a Bush Light 30 pack, and left.
My blood started to boil. What the heck! I know it was hot and probably wouldn't get cold until the night was over with but still! If he didn't want it, he should have put it back. Some people are so lazy! Normally I would have just left it, since it was already hot. I was to annoyed I couldn't just leave it there, so I marched over there, I look at it, right before I picked it up someone starts talking.
"I was just coming back for it. I didn't want to carry both of them at the same time.". Oops! I guess I should have waited.
"Oh." Feeling somewhat embarrassed. "I know." I lied...
"Oh your putting another in?" We have all the hot beer right by the beer coolers, so that probably really is what it looked like I was doing.
"Yeah." I said. I wasn't lying this time though. I really did need to put another in.
He picks up his Bud Light off the ground. I felt like I should at least apologize for the beer being hot, even though it wasn't my fault, but I didn't. I said nothing as he walked away.
This is why you shouldn't jump to a conclusions without knowing other facts. The facts were:
What I knew:
1. The Bud Light was hot.
2. He grabbed Bush Light.
3. He left the Bud Light on the ground.
4. He walked away.
What I didn't know:
1. He didn't care.
2. He wanted more then one type.
3. He couldn't carry them both.
4. He was coming back.
When a person is jumping to conclusions, they are drawing negative
conclusions with little or no evidence to their assumptions. ~~Copy and pasted from a different website.~~ I don't completely agree with that statement. Sometimes, we jump to conclusions that aren't negative. For example, every time I bake I jump to the conclusion that everyone will love whatever I baked. Either way, jumping to conclusions is never good. They don't have any evidence, we need to take the time to think about it.
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