Monday, October 27, 2014

Tom Cain

 About once a month I would find a business card for a health insurance company (trying to recruit me to get a job with that company) on my car. It was always the same business card, I wondered why someone wanted me to work somewhere so bad they are constantly leaving me the business cards on my car, but of course, I ignored them every time.
 This older man came into work one afternoon, wanting to put a flyer on our bulletin board, and to talk with my boss about putting a big flyer on the window as well. He was wearing this blue shirt with a company logo on it. The logo was actually driving me crazy, I knew I had seen it somewhere I just couldn't remember where. We talked for a few minutes, I of course told him it was okay to hang the flyer up on the bulletin board. Then he started talking about how he had talked with one of my co-workers but couldn't remember who. I told him it wasn't me, I have a pretty good memory I knew I would have remembered this.
 "Oh, I know it wasn't you. I could never forget you." He said that in a very low tone that made my skin crawl. Creepy, creepy old man. He finally left and I looked at that flyer he had hung, then it hit me. That business he was promoting was the same business on those business cards! I felt accomplished. I had finally figured out who was leaving them there!
 A few months had passed and I forgot all about this "accomplishment" until he came two weeks ago.
 "Hello, I'm just stopping in to say hi," He said as he was walking up to the register. Once he was there, he handed me the same business card he had been leaving on my car. I pretended to be interested in this part time job he was offering me. Apparently, I have such a great attitude, he really wanted me to work there. Finally I told him I would think about it then give him a call if I was interested. He informed me it was okay to text him instead. Then he asked for my number, so he would be able to reach me. I didn't give it to him, he has no reason to need my number, unless I contacted him. He left and well that's where I'm at today.
 Let me say a few things. Thanks for the job offer, but no thanks. If I was interested I probably would have let you know the first time you left your business card on my car, or maybe the second time? The third? How about fourth? I'm not interested. I'm so glad you finally got the hint that your cards weren't working though. Maybe now you'll quit messing with my windshield wipers so you can make sure your business card doesn't fly away...
 Why would you ask me for my number anyways? That's weird. Definitely not professional. I'm pretty sure you're just a creepy old man who thought of a "clever" way to try to get my number...


Working For God

 Today was just a normal day at work. Nothing to awful crazy happened. I worked with "Ash". We usually talk quite a bit. Well today Ash was telling me how our boss had told her that she needs to start working harder. She of course disagrees.
  "I'm not going to bust my butt for minimum wage". She said. At first when these words came out of her mouth I was agreeing with her completely, I mean really why would someone work hard if they aren't getting paid that good. Once that conversation ended I kept thinking about that sentence she said. "I'm not going to bust my butt for minimum wage". A few Bible verse came to my mind, I wasn't sure where it was located at the time though. 
 Colossians 3:22-24   Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God; And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
  Ephesians 6:5-8 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.
 Clearly the writers were talking to actually servants, but this still applies to you and me today. As Christians when we work we are suppose to be working just like we are working for God, not our bosses. That means we need to be doing our absolute best, heck even if we aren't getting paid we should. God wants us to always do our best in everything we do, as if we were doing it for him. I know my work ethic would definitely be way different if I was actually working for God. If I were working for God, he wouldn't catch me on my phone very often, I would be extra happy to all the impolite people that come in, I would scrub that spot on the floor that won't come off with just the mop, I wouldn't talk with my co-workers as long, I would do so many things different. I would want to work extra hard because it is well God I would be working for. I would most definitely do everything I could to do to "impress" him. Of course, there's nothing we can do that impresses God (Isaiah 64:6), but I still would try. So, that is exactly what I need to always do, even though I'm not physically working for God, he still sees how I work. If we do are best, then we will have a reward in heaven for it. That's pretty awesome. 
 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us to do everything we do for God's glory. I know that might seem a little extreme, but hear me out. You might be wondering how eating or drinking could bring God glory. Well it works like this, I don't drink alcohol. I never have, I never will. Why? To bring God glory. With me not drinking alcohol it shows others that I am different, and if others know see that I'm different they will start to wonder why. Eventually, they will see that I'm different because of Jesus. That will give him glory. So, that's one way even what you drink and eat could possibly give him glory. The same goes for working, I honestly think that's part of why God wants us to work for other people as if it were him. I want to be able to work in such a way where God gets the glory, not me.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Twilight Zone

 Tonight a guy comes in twenty minutes before close. This guy is well, different... Most people would use a filthy word to describe him, but lets just say he can be a jerk. He complains a lot. There's always something wrong with him. Whether he had just fallen off of a ladder and broke his leg, to having carpal tunnel surgery done on his wrist, to his high blood pressure medicine causing his body to swell up in the sun. I have never seen him without something or another being wrong. Well, as I was saying, he came in tonight, so far so good. He was unhappy that we was out of his Busch Signature Copper Lager, but that's understandable I guess. He settled on a six pack of Busch cans instead. He started to complain about how he had some trespassers, but the law won't do anything about it. I suggested he get proof, you know, take some pictures or something. To my surprise he has already took some pictures. He's even already showed the sheriff them too, and apparently they aren't good enough. This guy pulled his phone out and started to show me the pictures of these as he called them hunters. The only thing was, there was nothing there! Literally all I seen was woods. Yeah, there was a few odd looking things, but those are what I call branches, grass, trees, leaves. Not cowboy hats, rifles, camouflages, helmets, night vision goggles, and people. Yeah, you read that right. There was one picture he showed me that was supposedly some guy getting hanged. No one was getting hung. He has counted 15 of these hunters, they won't leave his place either. This guy truly believes this. He said he was scared to go outside in his yard now. Who wouldn't be, if that was really happening? I sure as heck would.
It's just sad, there was obviously no people in those photos, but he would bet his life that there really is people there. Nobody believes him of course. The sheriff asked him if he has been hallucinating a lot here lately, and told him if he calls them out again, this guy will have to start seeing a therapist.
 A week later: He came in and told me these hunters now have horses also! This story keeps getting bigger and bigger! His neighbor actually came in the store once and informed me everything this guy says about the hunters isn't true. His exact words. "He's either on to much medication or not taking enough."
  A month later: He came in and told me how he and these hunters shot a deer at the same time (one day BEFORE rifle season, I should add), there was eight of them and just him so they ended up getting the deer.  On the bright side, at least he has talked to these people now... he followed them home once. Apparently, they live less then 2 miles away from me. I don't know the person who lives in the house he claims where these hunters live, but I'm pretty sure it's an old man. Crazy.
 Have you ever seen The Twilight Zone? I have always loved this show. It always makes you think. Does stuff like that actually happen? Well most of it, probably can't, but still. Either way, this guy reminds me of someone you would see in the The Twilight Zone. Seeing things no one else can see. Nobody believes him. Drunk. This has The Twilight Zone written all over it.


                                                                                                                           10-13-2014, 11-15-2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 2nd, 2014

 Soo, today some random guy asked for my number. Awesome right?! No!! What's awesome about this is now, I have a nice way of telling guys I'm not interested, without lying...
 Random Guy: "So, can I get your number?"
 Me: "No, I actually have a boyfriend."
 Random Guy: "Ooh, I was just kidding," *Awkward pause* "I do that sometimes."
 Haha, whatever sure he was just kidding. Anyways, did you see that?! I have a boyfriend! Not even kidding, I really do! So heads up guys: This girl, right here, is no longer Collecting Numbers! I already got the only number I need now... His. <3
