Monday, November 17, 2014

A Million Readers

  I was mopping the floor the other day. This really really creepy looking guy came in. When I say he looked creepy, I mean creepy. He actually looked like a serial killer! Don't get me wrong, I highly doubt he actually is a serial killer, but he looked like one. As he was leaving he looked at me and started singing.
  "This is the way we mop the floor, mop the floor". I just stared at him and smiled trying to comprehend what he was singing. Finally, I responded.
  "Yeah, this is how I mop it." He left right after I said that.
  Ash and I started talking about my blogs. She is so awesome, out of the five people I told about my blog (I've only showed it to two of those people), she's the only one who has really encouraged me about it, and my dream to make it a book some day. Ash is awesome!
 I was joking around how one day my blog is gonna become a hit, and I will have a million people reading it. I wasn't serious at all, that would be awesome, but it's that's not realistic. As I was joking with her, that serial killer looking guy came back in to get his refund back on gas. He walked straight up to the register.
  "What are you going to have a million people reading?" He asked me. I knew exactly where this conversation was going.
  "Um, by blogs." I smiled. "I have had this blog a year, and I really don't have anyone reading it at all." I paused and laughed. "So yes, someday I will have a million readers." I only said that because I wanted him to know I was joking, there is no way I will ever have a million readers on this blog.
  "Oh, well what's this blog about?" He started walking closer to the door where now we were straight across from each other.
  "Well it's about work." He looked very confused.
  "Where else do you work?"
  "Oh, no it's about here. It's about experiences I have here, and the customers." Now, he started laughing, almost like this was the stupidest idea he had ever heard of. I started to laugh too, even though I didn't find it funny at all.
  "Well," He paused for a split second. "How might I find this blog?" Yep, I was right, this conversation went exactly where I thought it would.
 "Um, well there isn't really a way to get to it." I lied, I know.
 "Oh, well how do you expect people to read it then?" I shrugged, and then smiled.
 "I don't." Literally right after I had said that he left.
  I'll be honest, I almost told him how to find it. I really almost did, I wanted to so bad. Why? Because I want just one person to read my blogs on a regular basis and actually enjoy reading them. This might sound silly, but I want at least one person to be "touched" by my blogs in some way or another.
 The thing is, even though I so desperately want someone to read my blogs, I'm not so desperate to let someone from my work read them. I don't know this guy. I don't need a random creepy guy from work reading my blog. That would have been crazy if I would have actually gave it to him. Even though I don't add very much personal information on this, I probably still have enough to where he could stalk me, if he wanted to, especially since he knows where I work.

 Random thought: Isn't it crazy how we judge so quickly? The second I saw this guy I thought "serial killer", while I'm sure he wasn't I still managed to judge him without even trying. I was still nice to him though.
 As I was writing this blog Hebrews 13:2 came to my mind.
Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 
  That's crazy! For all I know this guy was an angel, and here I am saying he looked like a serial killer. I would feel horrible if I ever found out this guy really was an angel... 


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