Friday, April 17, 2015

Staying Faithful

 The other day this guy named Mikey came in. Mikey is average height, around the age of 60, completely white,which is normally a mess, he can't use this left arm. He comes in every afternoon around 1:30 and gets a 32oz cup of ice, which we always let him have for free. Nobody likes this guy, honestly he's just creepy. I remember the first time I saw him, he told me I had gorgeous eyes. I of course didn't believe him, and since that day I have always viewed him as creepy. Not really so much of what he says, but how he looks at me. He'll just stare at me, not even smile, just stare. I actually feel kinda bad for him though. When I see him, I see sadness.

 He came in a few days ago and got his usual cup of ice, and he bought a 16oz of sprite, which is very unusual. He paid for that soda and remembered he needed cigarettes. Two packs of Kool blue shorts. He paid with his credit card for that. Once he was done, he just stood there and stared at me for a few seconds, which is creepy, I know, but that isn't anything unusual for him. He always just stares at me with his sad eyes. He caught a glimpse of my engagement ring.
 "You're engaged?" He asked me.
  I smile "Yeah, I am." He gave him the funniest face ever, like he was shocked and thought me getting married was a bad thing. "What's the funny face for?" I asked, slightly offended by his face.
  He ignored my question. "Bye Hannah." Then he walked away. This whole thing I thought was funny, but I just assumed his funny face was just that he wasn't happy in his marriage so he thought it was dumb I was getting married.
  A few days after that, last night, he came in again. He always passes the register before he gets his ice, but this time he stopped to talk with me.
 "You know why I made that funny face?" He asked.
 "No, I don't know."
 "I always thought you and I would marry." If this was any other guy I would have thought he was joking, but Mikey was very serious.
 "But you're already married." I probably should have came up with a better response, but that was honestly the only thing I thought to say.
 "No, we still could marry." Then he walked away to get his cup of ice. He came back to the register.
  "Okay, you're good." Even though he knows we'll give him the ice free every time, he always has us okaying the free ice each time.
   "No, I want something else." He said and turned around and picked out an almond snickers bar and set it on the conveyer belt. "Is he a Christian at least?"
 "Yes, he is." I smiled.
  "Good." He handed me a dollar bill. "He sure is a lucky man." I just smiled. I really wasn't sure what I should have said. I guess I could have said something like "I know right!", I felt like any response I could have had would have just been a stuck up response. I know Kevin thinks he's lucky and apparently Mikey thinks Kevin is lucky, but I really don't see myself anything special like Mikey was implying. "Well, if things don't work out, I'll still be here."
 "It will." I smiled. I don't have even one single doubt that things with Kevin and I won't work out. Yeah our relationship isn't perfect, but we have the "secret" ingredient to any relationship. Jesus.
  "I hope it does." He said.
  "It will." I said with more confidence then the first time.

 My first thought: What the heck just happened. This guy is M.A.R.R.I.E.D. Although, I really wouldn't have called this situation as flirting, it was definitely unnecessary. I know he flirts with other women besides me. Once he actually managed to ask Ash out on a date. Ash was gonna go, as she put it "free food" until I told her he was married. I've been told that this guy used to flirt with my other (no longer working) sister Suzie. He always creeply stares at Mollie.
 I know I don't know what Mikey's story is. I barely know him at all, I just know that he's married, he's old, and he's a creeper.
 Being a young cashier, I get a lot of married men flirting with me. I just don't understand it. When you marry, you're committing a lifetime to whom ever you married. Don't waste that lifetime looking at other women or other men. If you aren't happy, then do something about it. Make yourself happy, get marriage counseling, do something. Just please, stay faithful. Faithful emotionally and physically.


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