Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Last Day - Forever Forgotten

 Right now I have some mixed feelings, today is my last day. I'm so excited to start tomorrow at my new job, but I'm sad to leave here too. Really, I don't feel that sad, but I do at the same time.
 I keep asking myself the question: Did I make a difference here? I already know the answer to that question; no I didn't. Yes, some people may have liked seeing me, but they like seeing the other girls as well. As of tomorrow I will be forgotten. My previous co-workers/customers will live on just fine without me. My smile and kindness was the only things I had going for me, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. My memory there will soon fade away as customers grow and leave their selves, as new customers come and take over the store. Years down the road someone might remember me for a brief second and say "Hey remember Hannah?" They'll look at that person like she is crazy because they never met me. I came and gone before that person started coming. My memory will ultimately be gone. I hope you're not reading this thinking that I'm over exaggerating, because I'm not. I've done nothing memorable here. All I have is my stories on this blog. The rest, forever forgotten.

 As I was writing this I realized something. This is exactly what will happen once I die. My family will remember me for a time, but once they are gone my memory will be gone. I'm not going to be some famous person in history that did amazing things. I will be simply forgotten. I can imagine someone who just found out that they have X amount of days to live they will be feeling the same way I feel about leaving this job.
 I don't want to be forgotten, or at least I want to do something great with the time I have in my life, or with this next job of mine. I want to do something great for the Lord. I don't have to be a president and go into history forever I just want to make an impact in one persons life. Although, even with that there's no doubt about it, soon enough my legacy will be gone. But that's how life works, you live your life, and you die. People will remember you for a short time, but they will move on in their own lives and you are forgotten.


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