I just got out of my car on a chilly fall day. I was just wearing my favorite pair of blue jeans and a plain old t-shirt. I started to head into work as I saw this truck pass me. The guy in the truck was waving, although I have never seen him before, I decided to wave back. He stops his truck and yells something. I start to take steps towards him too understand what he was saying, but in the middle of my step I realized I don't know this guy, I shouldn't get very close. He saw I stopped walking towards his truck so he backs up where he's right across from me.
"Are you single?"
"Um, yeah I'm-- No I'm not," His smile in his face wiped away immediately. "Sorry.".
"It's okay." then he drove off, leaving me wondering why the heck he only needed to take one look at me for him to decide he wanted to get to know me.
My body, that is exactly why it took only one look. He saw I had a nice body, and decided that was enough to know before he tries to ask me out.
This issue has really been bothering me here lately. If I was fat would guys be hitting on my all the time? If I was fat would guys still ask me out? Doesn't matter anymore I guess, it's just annoying. Shouldn't guys rather get to know me first though, instead of thinking "wow she has a good body. I'm gonna try and sleep with her" Grr. I don't want guys to only like me because of my body. I want them to like me for who I am, not what I am. But that's not the case most of the time.
Respect really is part of this, I think. If guys learn how to respect women, they wouldn't look at her body and go "Wow! That's a great body, I'm gonna try and sleep with her".
Being skinny has its flaws, well for me anyways. I guess some girls probably like the attention they get because of their bodies, but I absolutely cannot stand it. After this guy had asked if I was single I kept wishing I was fat! Call me crazy, but for two days after that I wanted to be fat. I'm happy with my body for the most part, yet for some reason I always am wanting to change it... I don't know... Anyways, this one doesn't have much of a point other then I wish guys would be more respectful.
I guess you should know what I do, I work at a small grocery store, I work the register half the time, the other half I'm doing all the stocking and cleaning. I love it
Monday, September 29, 2014
That Was God
Yesterday afternoon on my way to work I was listening to Air1. They started talking and this guy called, he wanted to share his story. Basically, this guy talked how he went snowmobiling. He said that God made something catch his eye, so right as he turned his head he smacked into a barbwire fence. He would have lost his right eye if he didn't turn his head to look at whatever he was looking at. I'm sure anyone that is "lost" probably would have laughed so hard when they heard that story. I mean come on. That was just a coincidence. No, it wasn't a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason...
By the time I got to work, that story had been completely forgot about. I have so much going on, the last thing I'm going to remember is a story I heard on the radio. From the moment I walked in the door Jo (the bosses girlfriend, and assistant manger) was freaking out because our fuel delivery truck didn't arrive yet, and the company wouldn't answer their phone. We were almost out of unleaded, it wasn't going to last the entire night. So I had to deal with that. She told me to stick the unleaded tank once every hour. So 3:30 rolls around, still no delivery truck. I stuck the tank. It read 12 inches. We can't let it get below 9.5 inches, so I knew I needed to check it more then once an hour, I decided every 30 minutes after that. 4:20 rolls around, I remember I need to go check it again. I start heading into what we call the cubby, to get the keys. Before I make it there I looked out the window and saw the delivery truck. Yay! I didn't have to worry about the gas anymore. The funny thing is that right after I saw the delivery truck, someone came and asked me if we were out of gas because the pump was going super slow and then just shut off. That means we had literally just ran outta gas as the delivery guy came. That's awesome!
Some might say that was a coincidence also, but let me tell you something. That wasn't a coincidence. That was God. He does little stuff like this every single day, but the sad part is that most people, including me, take all God's little miracles for granted. As a matter of fact, most of us don't even realize it was God, and if we do realize it was him we still somehow or another manage to fail with giving God the glory. God deserves all the glory. Not the delivery guy, or whatever made that guy look away. God used these things as his instruments. He deserves the glory.
By the time I got to work, that story had been completely forgot about. I have so much going on, the last thing I'm going to remember is a story I heard on the radio. From the moment I walked in the door Jo (the bosses girlfriend, and assistant manger) was freaking out because our fuel delivery truck didn't arrive yet, and the company wouldn't answer their phone. We were almost out of unleaded, it wasn't going to last the entire night. So I had to deal with that. She told me to stick the unleaded tank once every hour. So 3:30 rolls around, still no delivery truck. I stuck the tank. It read 12 inches. We can't let it get below 9.5 inches, so I knew I needed to check it more then once an hour, I decided every 30 minutes after that. 4:20 rolls around, I remember I need to go check it again. I start heading into what we call the cubby, to get the keys. Before I make it there I looked out the window and saw the delivery truck. Yay! I didn't have to worry about the gas anymore. The funny thing is that right after I saw the delivery truck, someone came and asked me if we were out of gas because the pump was going super slow and then just shut off. That means we had literally just ran outta gas as the delivery guy came. That's awesome!
Some might say that was a coincidence also, but let me tell you something. That wasn't a coincidence. That was God. He does little stuff like this every single day, but the sad part is that most people, including me, take all God's little miracles for granted. As a matter of fact, most of us don't even realize it was God, and if we do realize it was him we still somehow or another manage to fail with giving God the glory. God deserves all the glory. Not the delivery guy, or whatever made that guy look away. God used these things as his instruments. He deserves the glory.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Three teens came in the other day, there was two girls and a boy. I've saw all three of them before. One of the girls was wearing a dress. I always try to keep in eye on these teens, they are super loud and hyper. I don't really trust them, I have a bad feeling they are going to steal something while I'm not looking or something.
I was wandering throughout the store doing little odd jobs, I walk over to the meat and hear the teens so I look over, all three of them are huddle really close together and the girl with the dress on has it lifted up high enough for me to see her belly. What the heck? I probably should have said something too her, but in shock I keep walking until I'm out of site. I heard all three of them laughing because of my reaction as I walked away. I grabbed a tray of hamburger and went back to the meat hoping her dress was pulled down, because I was planning on telling her that isn't polite, and well I really didn't want to say anything to her, I knew it would cause a scene. They had all left that area when I went back. I tell my coworker to help keep in eye on those three then continue to do my job.
Who I think was the mother of the teenage girl that lifted up her dress came inside and went over to them. The girl continued to randomly lift up her dress over and over. The mother finally told her to stop, which is good cause I was about too. After that I didn't see her do it again.
Once they left I started talking to my coworker. Obviously there was something wrong with those teens, all their behavior was just insane.
"Do you think it was drugs?" I asked. I'm so oblivious on drugs, I don't know how to tell when someone uses, so I'll ask her.
"Well actually, I think they need drugs," she pauses, but I know what she's about to say. "Like medication drugs". I nod, mostly agreeing with her. Medication doesn't fix everything. I believe medication doesn't actually fix most problems like that, medication is just a way to ignore the real problem.
I still can't get over that. That girl was at least 14. I don't know about anyone else, but my parents taught me it is never okay to lift your dress up at 4. Why the heck she's 14 and still doing this, in PUBLIC I really don't know, I probably don't wanna know. Actually, I lied. I do know. She is still doing this because "at that age if you let them act like a child their gonna act like one." The main problem is lack of parenting. Plain and simple. It makes me sad to see so many kids like that, are uncontrollable because their parents didn't parent them. Parents need to step up and do their job; they need to love, discipline, and teach their kids the right way. So many parents really don't care.
I was wandering throughout the store doing little odd jobs, I walk over to the meat and hear the teens so I look over, all three of them are huddle really close together and the girl with the dress on has it lifted up high enough for me to see her belly. What the heck? I probably should have said something too her, but in shock I keep walking until I'm out of site. I heard all three of them laughing because of my reaction as I walked away. I grabbed a tray of hamburger and went back to the meat hoping her dress was pulled down, because I was planning on telling her that isn't polite, and well I really didn't want to say anything to her, I knew it would cause a scene. They had all left that area when I went back. I tell my coworker to help keep in eye on those three then continue to do my job.
Who I think was the mother of the teenage girl that lifted up her dress came inside and went over to them. The girl continued to randomly lift up her dress over and over. The mother finally told her to stop, which is good cause I was about too. After that I didn't see her do it again.
Once they left I started talking to my coworker. Obviously there was something wrong with those teens, all their behavior was just insane.
"Do you think it was drugs?" I asked. I'm so oblivious on drugs, I don't know how to tell when someone uses, so I'll ask her.
"Well actually, I think they need drugs," she pauses, but I know what she's about to say. "Like medication drugs". I nod, mostly agreeing with her. Medication doesn't fix everything. I believe medication doesn't actually fix most problems like that, medication is just a way to ignore the real problem.
I still can't get over that. That girl was at least 14. I don't know about anyone else, but my parents taught me it is never okay to lift your dress up at 4. Why the heck she's 14 and still doing this, in PUBLIC I really don't know, I probably don't wanna know. Actually, I lied. I do know. She is still doing this because "at that age if you let them act like a child their gonna act like one." The main problem is lack of parenting. Plain and simple. It makes me sad to see so many kids like that, are uncontrollable because their parents didn't parent them. Parents need to step up and do their job; they need to love, discipline, and teach their kids the right way. So many parents really don't care.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Let me give you a background a guy named "Bob". He makes really good money,but gambles it away. He has a nice house. He used to come in every day and buy at least $100 worth of lottery. He doesn't come in that often any more, but only because he got in a fight with my boss, and we now won't take credit or debit cards for lottery, and he doesn't carry that much cash very often. He seems like a very unhappy man. He's always griping and complaining about one thing or another. He's a very negative person.
Here's a conversation I had with him the other day. He was buying scratchers.
Me: "Did you win?"
Him: "Not enough."
Me: "Never is--"
Him: "Not enough to put me out of my misery.".
He was serious! I'm used to people joking about that, but it was easy to tell he wasn't joking. I wanted to reply and tell it that it doesn't matter how much he wins, money will never put anyone out of their misery.
There's a song called "Man Whatcha Doin'" by Fm Static (awesomest band ever!). I used to play this song on repeat on my CD player when I was younger.
**Man, whatcha doin?
Don't ya know that, money can't
Buy you love? It can't make you happy,
Happy like, havin' someone to laugh with
Man whatcha doin'?
Don't cha know that, money can't make it right,
You need to love yourself my man,
Before you love somebody else**
The chorus of this song pretty well explains what I should have said to him. Money will not put you out of your misery. The only thing that will put you out of your misery is changing your Perspective.
Money can only buy stuff you can't take with you. When you die what have you really gained by money? Nothing.
You're looking for happiness in the wrong place buddy. Jesus can give you that happiness you're looking for! You don't need to play the lottery, you don't need to win a million dollars, you need Jesus. The happiness he can give you is eternal!
Here's a conversation I had with him the other day. He was buying scratchers.
Me: "Did you win?"
Him: "Not enough."
Me: "Never is--"
Him: "Not enough to put me out of my misery.".
He was serious! I'm used to people joking about that, but it was easy to tell he wasn't joking. I wanted to reply and tell it that it doesn't matter how much he wins, money will never put anyone out of their misery.
There's a song called "Man Whatcha Doin'" by Fm Static (awesomest band ever!). I used to play this song on repeat on my CD player when I was younger.
**Man, whatcha doin?
Don't ya know that, money can't
Buy you love? It can't make you happy,
Happy like, havin' someone to laugh with
Man whatcha doin'?
Don't cha know that, money can't make it right,
You need to love yourself my man,
Before you love somebody else**
The chorus of this song pretty well explains what I should have said to him. Money will not put you out of your misery. The only thing that will put you out of your misery is changing your Perspective.
Money can only buy stuff you can't take with you. When you die what have you really gained by money? Nothing.
You're looking for happiness in the wrong place buddy. Jesus can give you that happiness you're looking for! You don't need to play the lottery, you don't need to win a million dollars, you need Jesus. The happiness he can give you is eternal!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
New Things
Guess what I did Thursday! I'm took some photography classes at a community college! I was so excited, yet really nervous at the same time. This was completely new for me. I have never done anything like this. I have never been in a class with other people. So you can probably at least somewhat understand why I was nervous. Now that I went to the first class, I love it. I cannot wait for the next one.
My boss was telling me how I inspired him. He knows that I have never done anything like this before, and yet even though I've never done it, I'm still willing to try it. So now he's going to go on a cruise because he's never done it. I guess his logic is, if I can try something new so can he.
My main point is, don't let your inexperience stop you from trying new things. We only live once, so you might as well enjoy your life to the fullest. If you try it, but you find out you hate it, then what did you lose? In most cases just a few dollars. At least you will be able to say you tried.
My boss was telling me how I inspired him. He knows that I have never done anything like this before, and yet even though I've never done it, I'm still willing to try it. So now he's going to go on a cruise because he's never done it. I guess his logic is, if I can try something new so can he.
My main point is, don't let your inexperience stop you from trying new things. We only live once, so you might as well enjoy your life to the fullest. If you try it, but you find out you hate it, then what did you lose? In most cases just a few dollars. At least you will be able to say you tried.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Bachelorette Parties
A couple months ago a ex co-worker of mine (the "new girl" at the time), invited me to her bachelorette party. Exciting right? Well not really. Two reasons; One, I'm underage, I cannot go to bars yet. Two, even if I could I wouldn't.
She told me they going to have her do dares. One of the dares was to have a random person spank her.
Really? I don't get it. You are going to get marred in a week and you're planning on acting like that? Maybe I'm just old fashion, but why would you want to do crazy stuff like that? I understand that having a bachelor or bachelorette party is all about having that one last night of freedom. I still don't get it.
I think that you are suppose to be marrying the person that you love so much, why would you want to have a random person spank you? Why would you want to have that one last night of freedom? It's not like marrying this person is something you don't want too do. Don't act like it's a chore. You should be excited that you're about to get married and spend the rest of you life with the person you love!
I understand that not all of the bachelor/bachelorette parties are like the one my ex co-worker was having. The others ones I get. A night to celebrate you getting married with your close friends. Not get drunk and do crazy things that you might regret later on in life.
She told me they going to have her do dares. One of the dares was to have a random person spank her.
Really? I don't get it. You are going to get marred in a week and you're planning on acting like that? Maybe I'm just old fashion, but why would you want to do crazy stuff like that? I understand that having a bachelor or bachelorette party is all about having that one last night of freedom. I still don't get it.
I think that you are suppose to be marrying the person that you love so much, why would you want to have a random person spank you? Why would you want to have that one last night of freedom? It's not like marrying this person is something you don't want too do. Don't act like it's a chore. You should be excited that you're about to get married and spend the rest of you life with the person you love!
I understand that not all of the bachelor/bachelorette parties are like the one my ex co-worker was having. The others ones I get. A night to celebrate you getting married with your close friends. Not get drunk and do crazy things that you might regret later on in life.
Just for Fun
I am doing this study, seeing what shoppers are most likely too use: credit, debit, cash, EBT or check. In this study I will also see their age ranges, and gender. Yesterday was the first day I did this study, I know my results aren't the most accurate mainly because I'm not good at guessing their ages. I will be doing several of these studies so it can be more accurate.
Study One: Males

Study One: Females

Men are more likely too shop here. (You have to remember this is a small grocery store/gas station, people are mainly coming in for gas and tobacco, not groceries)
Everyone is more abt too use cash v.s anything else.
Women are more likely to write a check or use EBT.
Hardly anyone wants their receipt, but women are more likely to ask for it.
Women are more likely too use debit than men.
That concludes the conclusions I've came up with on my first day of doing this study. I will record all of my data at the end I will combine them all together. I don't plan on posting each and every one of these studies, just the important ones.
Also, you might ask what is the point of this. There is no point. I'm doing this just for fun...
Study One: Males
Study One: Females
Men are more likely too shop here. (You have to remember this is a small grocery store/gas station, people are mainly coming in for gas and tobacco, not groceries)
Everyone is more abt too use cash v.s anything else.
Women are more likely to write a check or use EBT.
Hardly anyone wants their receipt, but women are more likely to ask for it.
Women are more likely too use debit than men.
That concludes the conclusions I've came up with on my first day of doing this study. I will record all of my data at the end I will combine them all together. I don't plan on posting each and every one of these studies, just the important ones.
Also, you might ask what is the point of this. There is no point. I'm doing this just for fun...
Saturday, September 6, 2014
God's Got This Under Control
Tonight I found out that one of my co-workers ("Ash"), lost her main job. Now she's planning on going to full time here. What's the big deal? One reason I'm obsessing over this so much is my hours. With winter coming up I am already going to lose quite a few hours. Now with her working full time also, my hours will be cut a lot! The manger (my sister), and the "assistant" manger (the bosses girlfriend), has already talked about this a little bit. So far, they've came up with one way for this to work. My other sister will lose 5 hours, and "Ash" will get two of my closing shifts. Which means I will lose at least 4 hours there. This winter we will be closing at 8:00P.M. instead of 9:00P.M. so there's another 3 hours I will lose. If my calculations are correct that will bring me down too at least 32 hours a week!
I have three options: stick it out, quit and find another job, or find a part time job, and work two jobs. I have already ruled out option #1, I won't. I'm not making enough too only be working 32 hours or less. I hate the idea of option #2. I love this job, and people depend on me here. That leaves me with option #3. That is going too be stressful, with working two jobs, but it's my last option. I'll have too.
Honestly, I almost threatened to quit when my sister (the manger), told me I will lose that many hours. It was over text so I had plenty of time to think before I "spoke". I know I am valuable where I work, so I wanted to remind her if things don't go my way I'm gone and they will have to replace me, but I realized this doesn't revolve around me. Yeah, it stinks that I'll lose that many hours, but "Ash" actually lost her job! She has a family to support, while I'm still living at home with very few bills. She needs this job more then I do. So, I will let her have my hours, I'll just start working two jobs. It'll all work out. God's got this under control.
I have three options: stick it out, quit and find another job, or find a part time job, and work two jobs. I have already ruled out option #1, I won't. I'm not making enough too only be working 32 hours or less. I hate the idea of option #2. I love this job, and people depend on me here. That leaves me with option #3. That is going too be stressful, with working two jobs, but it's my last option. I'll have too.
Honestly, I almost threatened to quit when my sister (the manger), told me I will lose that many hours. It was over text so I had plenty of time to think before I "spoke". I know I am valuable where I work, so I wanted to remind her if things don't go my way I'm gone and they will have to replace me, but I realized this doesn't revolve around me. Yeah, it stinks that I'll lose that many hours, but "Ash" actually lost her job! She has a family to support, while I'm still living at home with very few bills. She needs this job more then I do. So, I will let her have my hours, I'll just start working two jobs. It'll all work out. God's got this under control.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Customer: "What are you so happy for?"
Me: "I don't know."
Customer: "Had a good life?"
Me: "Yeah, I have."
Customer: "Cause mine sucks."
Here's the thing, if I wanted I could say my life sucks. I was home "schooled", I didn't get an education, I never had any friends (I still don't), I didn't get my license until I was 18, I have a low paying job at a grocery store, I live in a trailer with my parents because I can't afford to move out, I've never had a boyfriend, my brother won't even look at me, the list can go on and on about how my life "sucks". It doesn't though, I love my life. We each have two choices on how we view life, we can complain about our lives and how "bad" it is, or we can look at our lives and see how blessed we truly are. Perspective is the key to a good life.
I will admit I used to have a sour perspective, as you can tell if you ever read Sometimes Life Is So Depressing. I really thought my life sucked, I was too blind to see all the amazing things I had in life. I could only see what I didn't have. I posted something I wrote awhile ago today in my other blog "Just Randomness :)". Happiness. It's related to this. Some of the problem is because we are only focusing on ourselves. Once I learned life isn't about me, I started to actually be happy in life.
Me: "I don't know."
Customer: "Had a good life?"
Me: "Yeah, I have."
Customer: "Cause mine sucks."
Here's the thing, if I wanted I could say my life sucks. I was home "schooled", I didn't get an education, I never had any friends (I still don't), I didn't get my license until I was 18, I have a low paying job at a grocery store, I live in a trailer with my parents because I can't afford to move out, I've never had a boyfriend, my brother won't even look at me, the list can go on and on about how my life "sucks". It doesn't though, I love my life. We each have two choices on how we view life, we can complain about our lives and how "bad" it is, or we can look at our lives and see how blessed we truly are. Perspective is the key to a good life.
I will admit I used to have a sour perspective, as you can tell if you ever read Sometimes Life Is So Depressing. I really thought my life sucked, I was too blind to see all the amazing things I had in life. I could only see what I didn't have. I posted something I wrote awhile ago today in my other blog "Just Randomness :)". Happiness. It's related to this. Some of the problem is because we are only focusing on ourselves. Once I learned life isn't about me, I started to actually be happy in life.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
My Awesome Brother T

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