Remember the guy from Livin' Life Sober, I'm Lovin' It? He came in a few months ago while my boyfriend (Kevin) was "hanging out" with me while I was working. I was stocking the beer and Dusty came greeted my boyfriend and introduced himself. That I thought was a little odd, sure Dusty is my neighbor, but we never talk or anything. I didn't really think much of it though.
A few weeks later Dusty came in and was talking to my brother T. Once Dusty left T told me what he had said. Apparently my fiance (boyfriend at the time) has been giving Dusty dirty looks. Dusty called my fiance a weirdo. Whatever, anyone who meets Dusty knows that he way more of a weirdo the Kevin will ever be.
The next day I told Ash about this. She just laughed and told me that Dusty had told her the same thing. Then she gave me her opinion on it. She basically suggested that Dusty is the type of guy that thinks he the best. He's a lady's man so in his eyes Kevin should be afraid that Dusty is gonna steal me away from him, so Dusty saw what he wanted to see which was Kevin eyeing him, when all Kevin did was glance at him and look away. Dusty made up those "dirty looks" up in his mind.
I'd forgot about this incident until Sunday. I had to work last Sunday. I dressed up for church like I always do. Put some make-up on, a nice T-Shirt, some nice blue jeans, and I let my hair down. I didn't bother changing for work, or putting my hair up. I felt pretty and I didn't want to ruin that just for work.
Dusty came in and saw me. He acted very shocked by how I looked and made a point to make sure I knew that he thought I was attractive. Actually he came in three times that day, and he said something to me about the way I looked every time. Of course he wasn't the only one who complimented me that day, but he was the only one who did it so consistently.
Isn't it funny how this world sees as beautiful. Dusty had never once expressed any interest in me until he saw me with my hair down and make up on, then I became "hot"...
Ladies, you need to find someone who thinks you're hot without makeup on. Someone who will love you for you. Someone who can accept your flaws and love you anyways. I can't even stress how grateful I am to have found someone like that.