I guess you should know what I do, I work at a small grocery store, I work the register half the time, the other half I'm doing all the stocking and cleaning. I love it
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Let Your Light Shine Out Before Men
This really made me think. How many times as Christians do we run when things get tough? Suddenly someone challenges our faith and we don't know how to react so we hide. We don't want to offend them, so we suddenly go into the dark hiding.
This isn't what it's suppose to look like. As Christians we are suppose to be strong and grounded in what we believe. No that doesn't mean to get into arguments about faith, but that means just because the world is offended my something doesn't mean we need to go into hiding. It's getting to the point all you have to say is I'm a Christian, then everyone gets offended because of who you are. Seriously, it doesn't take much. We are suppose to stick out like sore thumbs. In world of darkness we are suppose to be that light shining showing them the truth.
I'm sure almost everyone has heard this song at one time or another. It's just a children's song that most of us take for granted, but I'm going to share it here because the words couldn't be anymore true. This little light of mine:
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
Don't do what my old boss did. He hid something because it offended people. He didn't want to lose any customers over it. Be proud of what you believe! Don't let what other people think to cause you to not be the person God has called you to be. Let your light shine so that other people will see Jesus through you. God's reward for you will be greater than anything here on earth.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
When I was training I was told to ID everyone who wrote a check. I needed their license number and date of birth. I didn't really think that would be a problem for people, but boy was I wrong.
Who should I start with? The Asian lady who thought I was IDing her because of her race? The man who refused to go in my line because I would ID him? The women who simply flat out said no as rude as she could? The man who made a big scene yelling at me saying he won't give his ID? Those are just a few people who stood out to me through this entire ordeal. They all had one thing is common; Everyone said that no one else ever made them show their ID to write a check. What the heck?! This ordeal has been so close to bringing me to tears in front of customers! They were that rude to me, I'm not even kidding.
They made rules for me to ID everyone that wrote a check, yet no one else did. How is that fair? I had to deal with so many rude people because of this. How is that right? It's not. Either way it's a lose lose situation for me. If I asked for their ID I would get yelled at by the customer, if I didn't I would get written up. How is that fair? It's not. Please don't make rules that not everyone has to follow because if you do you'll create the same situation I have on my hands. It's not fun, I dreaded coming into work because of this issue. I've never dreaded working before.
To bosses: Don't make rules that only new employees have to follow. It's not right for me to get yelled at just because someone refuses to give their ID because they've never been made to in the past. Rules are rules, enforce them with everyone that'll make it way less stressful for your employees.
To customers: I don't care if I'm the first person to ever ID you. I'm doing my job, if you don't like it take it up with my boss not me. I'm just like you, I need an income to survive. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep my job, even if it's going to make you mad. Just deal with it, I'm only doing my job...
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Just Give Me Some Time
It was a week after I started Bi-Lo. I worked 6-1, which meant I got the newspaper crowd. The first newspaper I sold that day the lady just walked up to me with a newspaper in her hand, and change is the other hand. She handed me 75¢ without giving me the chance to ring up the newspaper. Once I rung up the 75¢ it ended up being more with tax. Although I knew newspapers don't have tax I wasn't sure how to do it so I just let my drawer be short the other amount.
An hour or so later this guy came in and wanted a newspaper. I almost did what I did with the lady before him and just let my drawer be short some odd cents, but he had a different plan.
"Newspaper. No tax." He said very demanding as he walked up to my register.
"Okay, let me figure this out." I said as I was looking through my register's options, seeing if there was a newspaper button.
He handed me his dollar and waited a whole five seconds before he decided to go over and ask for help with customer service.
He talked with the lady up there and she yelled out to me the PLU to put in the newspaper. I rung up it up, and opened the drawer to get the man's quarter. Right after I grabbed the quarter out of the drawer he came back to my register.
"I need my dollar back." He said rudely.
"No, you it costed 75¢." I replied nicely.
"I paid for it over there." He said.
"Oh" I said as I opened my drawer and handed him his dollar back.
"Your drawer is gonna be short." He said like he couldn't care less that it was his fault my drawer was going to be short.
"It'll be okay." I tried my hardest to say this with a smile, but I'm sure he could still tell I was annoyed.
Thankfully I was able to talk to the lady from customer service and she fixed my drawer so it wouldn't be short.
Here's the thing, I'm still new. I'm still learning how to do everything. Please don't get upset with me just because in reality I don't know everything. It's just gonna take a little time, but I'll figure out these things, If I could just have your patience and grace that would make this learning process a whole heck of a lot easier for the both of us.
I understand we live in a fast pace world. We want things instantly. If we go into a store we expect everything to go smoothly. New people are just an inconvenience. But that doesn't make it okay to get upset with me just because I'm trying to figure something new out. Just give me some time please.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
It's Not Your Race
Once I finished scanning her items she got her check book out and wrote the check and handed it to me. I looked at it and asked if I could see her ID.
"You must be new." She stated in a nice voice.
"Yeah, I sure am. Only my second day here."
The lady next in line started talking with the Asian lady how she liked that we had to see their ID in order to take checks, because someone had once stolen her identity. The Asian lady blew off what the lady in line was saying.
"You ID every single person who writes you a check?" She asked.
"Yes, I do. Since I'm new I have to or I'll get in trouble." I thought about opening my drawer and showing her all the checks I took as proof, but I knew that was going to far.
I really don't remember the rest of our conversation, but more or less she was accusing me of picking her out and IDing her because of her race.
Yes, I understand you aren't white, but no that doesn't make you special. Someone had to say that. I mean seriously just because you are a different race doesn't mean people are going to treat you different. That is in your head. I was just doing my job.
What's funny is that that lady was the one with the race issue, not me. I mean yeah I noticed she was Asian, but I didn't treat her any different because of that. I still served her with a smile even when she was accusing me of singling her out.
Just to get this straight, I don't care what race you are. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, but really your race doesn't make a difference to me. It doesn't matter what your race is, you could be black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or any other race, that doesn't make a difference. If I'm singling you out, I'm singling you out because you have a bad attitude.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
The Tables Were Turned
I was bagging since it was slow. This lady was checking out, she had two big bags of dog food, a small bag of cat food, some little cans of dog food and some "people" food.
"Put all that in one sack." She sounded nice enough.
"Do you want me to put the cat food in the same bag as well?" I asked, trying to make sure I was doing what she wanted.
"Um, I don't want to repeat myself again" She said very rudely. "That is animal food, and that is people food" So, she doesn't want her animal food and people food mixed, okay. I thought as I started to fix my mistake.
The checker started to scan some turkey lunch meat.
"That's dog food" She said rudely.
The checker started to argue. "What do you mean? This isn't dog food."
"Ugh, I'm not going to repeat myself a third time." She replied.
"I'm just trying to understand what you are saying." The checker said.
"I'm trying to tell to the young lady how to sack it." The lady said.
"Okay." The checker said, giving up.
After everything was sacked, the lady finished paying. I pushed the cart with her groceries out to her car. She walked at a decent pace so I was still able to keep up. But once she got to her car I had to go past her car to get the cart off the side walk since the sidewalk had a drop off.
"Uh ma'am, my car is over here." She said like I was stupid.
"Yes, I know. I can't go off that way, there's a drop off." I said nicely.
"Oh, okay." She said embarrassed that she said something.
There's the thing, that lady had no right to speak to me or the checker as rudely as she did. I know this is hard to believe, but I'm not a mind reader. Just because someone doesn't understand you doesn't give you the right to speak rudely, or disrespect them.
I was trying to understand, but it makes it hard when someone is acting that way towards me. Like I'm stupid just because I don't understand you, that just makes me human.
I know I really have a problem with this, I get so frustrated when someone doesn't understand what I'm trying to say. This was something I needed to realize yesterday. It definitely feels different when the tables are turned.
So, next time you're trying to explain something to someone don't belittle them, or treat them rudely just because they can't understand you. Try speaking with kindness, just like you want spoken too.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Last Day - Forever Forgotten
I keep asking myself the question: Did I make a difference here? I already know the answer to that question; no I didn't. Yes, some people may have liked seeing me, but they like seeing the other girls as well. As of tomorrow I will be forgotten. My previous co-workers/customers will live on just fine without me. My smile and kindness was the only things I had going for me, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. My memory there will soon fade away as customers grow and leave their selves, as new customers come and take over the store. Years down the road someone might remember me for a brief second and say "Hey remember Hannah?" They'll look at that person like she is crazy because they never met me. I came and gone before that person started coming. My memory will ultimately be gone. I hope you're not reading this thinking that I'm over exaggerating, because I'm not. I've done nothing memorable here. All I have is my stories on this blog. The rest, forever forgotten.
As I was writing this I realized something. This is exactly what will happen once I die. My family will remember me for a time, but once they are gone my memory will be gone. I'm not going to be some famous person in history that did amazing things. I will be simply forgotten. I can imagine someone who just found out that they have X amount of days to live they will be feeling the same way I feel about leaving this job.
I don't want to be forgotten, or at least I want to do something great with the time I have in my life, or with this next job of mine. I want to do something great for the Lord. I don't have to be a president and go into history forever I just want to make an impact in one persons life. Although, even with that there's no doubt about it, soon enough my legacy will be gone. But that's how life works, you live your life, and you die. People will remember you for a short time, but they will move on in their own lives and you are forgotten.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
No, I'm Not Stupid...
"How much does it cost for water?" She asked me.
"Oh, you can just have it." I said as I smiled at her.
"Okay, thanks." She said, smiling back.
I really don't know why, but I didn't trust her. I watched her as I was ringing up other customers. She started to put ice in her cup, then I saw her go for the soda. I saw her start to get some sprite.
"Mom, that's sprite." The little girl said.
The mom replied "I know, I'm just rising it out." Rising your cup out with soda? Um no, that defeats the purpose of rising it out. I thought to myself. Then I saw the mom dumb out the sprite and get a different type of soda instead.
The entire time I was deciding whether I should call this lady out and make her pay for the soda, or if I should just let it go. I realized we give free fountains all the time to customers, so I decided just to let it slide. It really wasn't worth any drama this lady might have brought.
Once she finished getting her soda she walked around the register, I thought she was just going to walk out the door. Instead she walked up to me.
She asked "Is the water just in the bathroom?" As she asked I noticed the dark tint her cup had. She obviously had soda in there, not just ice.
"No, it's over there by the other fountains." I pointed towards it. Wondering if she was now going to water down her soda just to make it more believable.
"Oh, I didn't notice that." She said as she walked over to it. I kept watching her just to see what she was going to do. She stood there for five seconds pretending to fill her cup with water. I guess she wasn't very smart because it's going to take more the five seconds to fill a 44 ounce up.
Once she finished, she started to head out the door when her friend came out of the bathroom.
"Sorry, I had to get some water." She told her friend and walked out the door.
Now, I'm kicking myself for not calling her out. Why? One reason is that she was still technically stealing, I shouldn't have let her get that satisfaction. Another reason is that would have been so funny to make her realize she isn't as smart as she thinks she is.
Anyways, I don't have a point for this story other then just what the title says. I'm not stupid. So many times I'll let someone believe I am just because it's easier, but maybe I should start calling people out on their stupidity just to see their reaction occasionally.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
I Finally Did It!
Tonight a regular and his underage brother came in the store. They only bought some moonshine, to me it looked like the younger brother was trying to steal it, but the older brother just thought he forgot to show me that they had it. Yeah, I don't think so. They came in a second time, the two brothers went separate ways into the store. I saw the younger brother instantly go towards the liquor, he grabbed a $21 bottle of moonshine off the shelf and went where he knew I couldn't see.
The entire time I was freaking out, I knew I couldn't allow someone to steal something again. I've done it way to much, I have to say something when people steal, that's part of my job. So I thought of a plan, once both brothers came up to the register I was going to ask the younger brother if he had put the moonshine back up, if he said yes I was going to ask what was under his shirt. Yeah, it didn't work out that way. The younger brother asked if we had something, I didn't hear what he had said because I was so focused on what to say him. It was so obvious he stole it though, his shirt had something underneath it, there was no question. After I said no we didn't have the item the younger brother walked out of the store. I started to beat myself up, I freakin' let someone else steal something again! Then I remembered the older brother was still in the store, so I decided I was going to try to tell the older brother that his brother had stole something. Once he came to the register, we small talked while I was getting the courage to tell him. I finally just blurted out the words. "Your brother just stole some moonshine."
He looked at me like I was crazy, then responded "My brother?!" He asked like he was surprised.
"Yeah, your brother."
"Oh well I'll have to check him."
"Thank you." I said with a smile as I remembered that the older brother was once kicked out of the store for stealing. Oh great, there's no way he's going to be honest about his brother stealing. He probably helped plan the thing, I thought.
I started to count his change back to him when I realized I had shorted him $20.
"Oops." I said while I was getting him the money I shorted him at first.
"Oh, I'm glad you caught that. I would have just shoved it into my wallet."
I realized this was a great opportunity to remind him that he needed to be honest with me. "Yeah, I try to be honest when I can." I said with a smile, while beating myself up for adding 'when I can' I always am honest.
"Yeah, well time to go beat my brother up."
"Okay thanks."
I was really starting to regret not busting the brother myself. There's no way they are going to come back in and return it, I thought to myself. After five minutes with no sign of either of them I decided that they definitely weren't coming back in. I when inside of the cubby to the book where we write information that needs to be passed on to other people that I caught the younger brother stealing the moonshine. I knew I'd be in trouble when they found out that he got away with it, but at least this way I knew he wouldn't be able to steal again because my boss would kick him out of the store for good.
After around fifteen minutes passed, the younger brother came in to return the moonshine. He told me that he wasn't thinking straight, that he was very sorry, and that he isn't a thief. He asked if we were cool, and I told him that we were.We are cool. My boss and him? Not so much...
So, I know I should have busted him myself instead of making his brother bust him, but I'm still really happy with how tonight turned out. I was finally able to say something, it was hard, but I did it! I was finally able to say something instead of watching someone steal something else. I am going to start always saying something now. Tonight was my milestone. It will be hard, but I need to start doing my job right.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Reasons Why Having My Sister For My Manger Isn't Always Awesome
1. Drama. Yes, I know. Drama will be found any workplace, but not only can I have co-worker drama, but family drama can get mixed in as well. Thankfully, my sister and I have a drama free relationship for the most part, but it does in fact occasionally slip in though.
2. Requesting Days Off. If I want a day off all I have to do is ask and I'll get it. Awesome right?! It would be, if that was how the real life worked. Unfortunately, because of my sister being the manger I can't just ask for any day off, I'm not going to ask for for a day off that will put her in a bind. For example if I ask for one Saturday off she acts like it's a complete inconvenience, and really it is. So I'm not going to ask for a Saturday off because I don't want her to get upset that I'm asking for a day off that I know there isn't anyone to replace me.
3. Misunderstandings. Since the manger is my sister I expect things that I probably shouldn't. Last year I wanted to have my birthday off, but I didn't ask for it off because my sister is the manger and of course she's going to let me off on my birthday. Wrong. This misunderstanding only caused hurt feelings for the both of us.
4. Quitting. Sometimes it's just time to find another job, so you tell your manger like a normal person expecting your manger to tell your boss, like a normal manger, but no since this manger is your sister you have to tell your boss because she knows your shy, and wants to teach you not rely on others to have awkward conversations for you. Fun...
5. References. Looking for another job? Guess who you can't use as a reference? That's right, your manger (who knows you do an awesome job) because she just so happens to be related. Well dang.
Other then these five reasons, having my sister as my manger is awesome. The awesomeness of having a sister for a manger definitely outweighs the not so awesome parts. I absolutely love being able to work with my sister, I am greatly going to miss it especially since this is the only way I get to see her.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Please Don't Give Up
If I would have been off on Wednesday it wouldn't have been that bad, but I had to work. As you can imagine I was wiped out the entire day. All I wanted to do was go home and lay in my bed and sleep, but obviously I couldn't.
I'll be honest, while working I was lazier then normal, but I think that was still acceptable with how lousy I felt. There was times where I would just go into the back room and I would just sit down on the floor and take a two minute break. During those breaks all I could think about was how I just wanted to give up with working and take a nice long nap. This might sound silly to some, but I would pray every time for God to give me the strength to keep working. Guess what, it worked. Although as tempting as the nap sounded I wouldn't have no matter what because I knew that if I took it, I would have got into trouble. The prayers just made it easier for me to do what I knew was right.
After the day was over and I was on my way home I realized my desire to give up at work is no different then the battle I'm facing right now. I'm trying so hard to live a pure life, yet there are days I don't feel like trying anymore. I just want to give up. Most days when that desire to give up comes, I do. I give up. How crazy is that? I wouldn't give up with working because I would get in trouble with my boss, yet I'm okay with giving up on living a pure life because I'll get in trouble with God? Shouldn't I be more concerned with getting in trouble with God then my boss? That is messed up, and needs to change today.
Whatever you're going through, whether it's waiting for the person God has planned for you, trying to achieve a fit body, working hard for a promotion, trying to get a good relationship with your family, a day at work being sick, or in my case a battle between my sinful nature and the spirit, whatever you do don't give up!! There are days it's going to be so hard. Your body and mind will just keeps telling you to take that nap, to get away from it all. Don't listen. After every storm comes a rainbow. Going to bed after that long day at work was certainly my rainbow, and it was awesome! So please, don't give up.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Pick The Money Up, Then Take Shelter!
Sorry to tell you this, but my life will never get put before money ever will. Money can be replaced, I can't be. There will never be another me. If it looks like there is going to be anything that could put my life in danger, you better believe I'm not going to waste my time picking up some worthless money.
Thankfully, everything turned out okay, the tornado ended up going a different direction. All is well. It just really bothers me what my bosses girlfriend said to me. How can you care about someone so little, you more or less tell them that money is more important then they are. That's crazy.
After last Wednesday I have one more reason to add to 9 Reasons Why I Will Be Quitting My Job. 10. My boss cares more about his money then he does about his employees.
He would rather me stay open with a potential tornado headed my way then to have me close the store just two hours early. It would have been different if there was a storm shelter, but there wasn't. He knew I would have no place to take shelter from the tornado. Maybe most bosses would do the same as he did, but it still doesn't make it right...
Saturday, July 4, 2015
God Wants Our Hearts
"Haha. Yeah right." Ash replied. As we watched him talk with some people at the gas pump. "I really don't get how come nobody else sees him as obnoxious as I do."
"Maybe they do. It's probably just an unspoken rule." Right as I finished talking Dusty walked into the store, straight up to the register where Ash was standing. I chuckled at the timing.
"We're having a party tonight. Do you guys want to go?" As he asked, he glanced at me. "We're gonna do some skinny dipping and drinking." He added, trying to make his party sound more exciting.
"I have to go to church tomorrow." I said, in a joking, yet serious tone.
Dusty laughed at my response. "That's perfect, you'll wash all your sins that you commit tonight away." I just laughed, although what he said couldn't be more wrong.
The thing is, it doesn't work like that. God wants our hearts, if I willing go to come party like that with the intent that it's okay as long as I wash my sins away the next day my heart isn't in the right place, I wouldn't be truly be sorry.
God doesn't call us to wash away our sins. Only He can do that. God calls us to repent. Which is to turn away from our sinful nature. I'm not turning away from something from something if I'm headed straight for it... If every weekend I go out partying with booze and drugs, and then go to church on Sunday only to ask forgiveness, then repeat that cycle the next week, that's crazy. My heart wouldn't be right with God. He doesn't want me to just ask for forgiveness, he wants me to prove that I'm sorry and quit doing whatever I'm doing to displease him.
I know I've talked about how I'm living a life of sin right now, but don't get me wrong, there's a difference from trying to quit living your life of sin, and willing living in it with no regret. I've been struggling really hard, while most people think of struggling as a bad thing, in this case the struggle shows me I'm trying to live for God. If there isn't any struggle that's when to be concerned.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
I Can't Take It With Me
The day went by, I had completed forget about that wallet Sally told me about. Until the owner came in. He was second in line and somehow it was brought up that he had lost that much money. The first guy in line said "Wow! I'd be so upset if I lost that much money." The owner of the wallet shrugged his shoulders.
"I can't take it with me." He didn't say much, but what he said was perfect.
With all this wedding planning, as I'm sure you imagine, I am spending a lot of money. I hate spending money... When my bank account goes down, I freak out. I love to save money. I very rarely ever buy myself anything nice for this reason.
God gave me a reminder Saturday with that man. While it is good to save money, in the end it's just that. Money. When I die, it's not gonna matter if I have $5,000 in bank account, or $50 in it. I can't take it with me. What is gonna matter how I lived my life on this earth. Did I use any of that money to help those in need? Did I share the gospel with whoever I came across? Was I an example to this lost world? Did I live my life 100% for God, not holding anything back? How I lived my life is really what matters when I die, not the possessions I had on this earth.
Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. KJV Where is your heart?
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Be Careful Little Feet Where You Go
Randal bought a half pint of Captain Morgan and a pack of Camel wide lights. Dusty was next in line, I really don't remember what he bought anymore though.
"What time do you get off tonight?" Dusty asked me.
"Nine." I replied.
"Oh wow," He looked shocked that it would be so late. "Well after you're off do you wanna come swimming with us?" I wasn't sure how to decline, so I gave it my best shot.
"Uh, no thanks." I don't think there is a polite way to say they aren't the type of people I want to hang out with, so I just stuck with no.
"What? Why not?" he looked confused. "Oh, I bet I know what it is. You don't know how to swim."
"Yeah, that's exactly it." I said sarcastically with a smile.
Don't get me wrong, swimming would have been nice. I love swimming. Yet, I declined because I knew there would be more then swimming involved. There would have been skinny dipping, drugs, and booze. Although I could have went swimming with them and not got involved with all those things, why would I want to put myself in a situation where I would most likely be pushed to do things that I know better then to do. I wouldn't. That's just stupid.
Yet, I put myself in different situations with Kevin that make it hard to say no to sex. Almost every time that I put myself in a bad situation I do bad things. Why the heck do I keep putting myself in these situations? Why can't I just refuse to be put in a bad situation like I did today? I really don't know the answer to that. I just know God used Dusty to help remind me I need to be more careful, and make sure I don't put myself somewhere I could possibly do something wrong. I really need to quit putting myself in a situation that I know might cause me to sin.
This blog reminded me of a song I used to sing as a child. O Be Careful.
O be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little eyes what you see.
O be careful little ears what you hear
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little ears what you hear.
O be careful little tongue what you say
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little tongue what you say.
O be careful little hands what you do
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little hands what you do
O be careful little feet where you go
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little feet where you go
It's Not a Comliment, It's Disrepect.
He brought his usual L&M menthol 100's and a pack of Marlboro red 72s, I assumed those were just for his girlfriend, and some gas. He handed me the money and I started to get him ten dollars back in change, as I handed it to him I saw his hand was slightly over his mouth like he had some secret to tell me then he said "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice butt?" he asked casually like his question wasn't a big deal at all. I was shocked he had actually said that, it shouldn't have surprised me though since he once accidentally flashed his phone at me and guess what I saw? Yep, that's right, porn... If he's looking at some random women's butt online, chances are he's looking at mine also. After what felt like a five minutes (in reality, it was five seconds) of awkward silence I finally said "Um yeah, my fiance has a couple of times." After I said that the guy behind Rick instantly started laughing. I really should thank God for giving me the ability for having awesome comebacks.
It didn't take long for Rick to leave after that, he kept repeating out loud "That's it Hannah, that's it." I may have completely misunderstood what he meant by "that's it", but I'm next to positive he was just saying that was all he wanted to do was give me that "compliment", nothing more, nothing less. He's darn right that's it.
This isn't my only story about a guy saying something about my butt. I'll share the other two while I'm at it.
A year ago or so, this guy came in and asked wanted to get lottery, so as I was getting what he wanted he just kept snickering. Finally he decided I should know what was funny.
"My buddies and I have a nickname for you." He couldn't keep a straight face. "Wanna know what it is?" From knowing who he is, and the way he was snickering I didn't really want to know.
"What's that?" I asked.
"We call you hot pants." He snickered some more like it was just the funniest thing ever. It wasn't funny, it was disrespectful.
I saw that same guy come in a few weeks ago, he asked where the cheese was so I walked him over towards the cheese, as I was headed back to the register he followed me.
"Man, you sure do know how to move that booty." He snickered. I didn't look back to acknowledge I heard what he said, I just kept walking. "Did you hear what I said?" He snickered some more. This time I looked back at him for a quick second. He repeated himself. "You sure do know how to move that booty. It sure looks nice too." He snickered again. I once again, didn't look back back, and just kept walking pretending like I really didn't hear what he said again.
Ash and I were talking about this and she said these guys were just trying to give me a compliment. News flash- Making a comment about my butt, or anything else sexual related is not a compliment! If you want to compliment me on my eyes, hair, smile, or my attitude, that's sweet, but if you compliment anything sexual related, that's disrespect.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Good Deeds
A few days after that, I heard him talking with my boss. What seemed very off topic to me, he brought up how he won that money and did a good deed as he put it, and bought someones stuff. I was disappointed in that man once I heard him tell my boss that. He did a good deed, and now he's telling everyone else about that good deed so he can get praise for it. That just ruined his good deed for me.
A few weeks after that Sally told me that there was a freezer outside that I needed to bring back into the store (with the help of my dad), before closing time. An hour before I sent Ash home I decided that I wanted to go ahead and try to bring the freezer inside myself. Once I got out there it became obvious that before I brought it in I needed to dumb the water out. This freezer was so gross, it had water in it, meat chucks floating in the water, a few soaked labels, the outside was bad as well, it had dirt everywhere on it. So, I decided instead of moving into the store I would dumb the water out and clean it. It took me forty minutes. I ended up being behind on everything else I normally do, but it was worth it because I made it where Mollie didn't have to do it the next morning.
The next day in the after noon, after Mollie was off work, and before I went into work, I was talking for Mollie. The entire time we were talking I was waiting for her to thank me for cleaning the freezer for her.
I finally I broke down and causally brought the subject up. "I bet you were happy once you saw I washed the freezer for you." She looked confused.
"I didn't even notice." She answered. I pretended like it was no big deal, yet I was really disappointed I did all that work for her not to even notice.
Shortly afterwards, I went into work and Sally was still there. Sally wasn't saying anything about how I had cleaned the freezer either, so once again I brought up the subject.
"Yeah, I cleaned that freezer. I bet that made it a lot easier for you and Mollie." I said, trying to make it sound like I just did a huge favor for them.
"Oh, it still stinks." She said, like she couldn't care less. I was really discouraged after I heard her response. I did all that hard work for nothing. No one even noticed I had done it. What a waste of time, I thought.
Did you see any problems with my story? I know I did. Here's the thing, although I cleaned the freezer to help Mollie out, I also did it for my own personal gain. I wanted them to praise me for putting the extra effort out, I wanted them to recognize what I did. My selfish motive ruined the entire good deed.
Don't get me wrong, if one of your good deeds just so happens to come into the conversation, I think that's completely okay, as long as your motive is pure. You shouldn't be trying to show off, that is not a pure motive. I find it ironic how I felt disappointed with that man in the beginning of the story, yet just a few weeks later I did exactly what he did.
Next time you do a good deed and are tempted to try and get someones attention with your good deeds, remember these bible verses.
Matthew 6:1-4 “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
When Will I Learn?
"Hey, be careful with that. That's dry ice, it'll burn you if you touch it."
"Oh, okay, I didn't realize it was dry ice."
As the day went on, Mollie left and I had completely forgot about the dry ice, until I got hungry... Sally had gave me an avocado earlier in the day, I remembered about it, so I took a quick five minute break to eat it. I went into the back, back where all that trash was at and sat on the floor and ate my avocado. As I was eating it, I noticed something, a small chunk of the dry ice had fell out of one of those bags and was bubbling on the ground... I remembered Molly's warring about the dry ice. Yet, as was stuffing my face with the avocado I couldn't help but stare at the dry ice. I wanted to touch it. I wanted to see how it felt to just touch it. I knew it would hurt, but there was an overwhelming desire for me to touch it. I was auguring to myself whether I should or not. Finally, I just got up, told myself no, and walked away. Even then, every time I passed that chunk of dry ice I still had the desire to touch it. Once it melted all the way, I was disappointed I no longer had the opportunity to touch it.
I know I probably sound crazy for having such a desire to touch something that would only hurt me, but when you think about it, my story is no different then the way we are with sin.
James1:14-15 Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.NLT
I knew there would be consequences for touching it, which is ultimately why I didn't end up touching the dry ice, but so many times in my life I couldn't care less about what the consequences for my actions are. My desire was to touch something that I shouldn't, just to see what it felt like. I was enticed and all I wanted to do was touch the dry ice. If I would have actually touched it, I would have felt awesome, until the pain of the burn came. Sin always feels awesome at the moment, but once sin is over, once we allow it to grow in our lives, it just brings death, separation from God forever. Now, that's a scary thought.
Right now I have this huge sin in my life, it seems like it doesn't matter how hard I try, I always give in and touch that chunk of dry ice. I touch it knowing I'm displeasing God, I touch it knowing that touching it only brings me farther from God, I touch it knowing I'm not being a good example, I touch it knowing I'm being a hypocrite. When will I learn that I'm only going to get burned every freakin' time I touch the dry ice? I wish I could just learn to walk away from my sin just like I did with that dry ice...
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Just Keep Waiting...
The only person who buys the Busch Light 12pk of bottles, didn't want this 12pk, so he kept grabbing the one behind it and leaving the other pack somewhere it didn't belong. This drove me crazy, but I made sure he didn't see my frustration. Every time he saw me, he joking told me if I'll take two dollars off he would buy it. I refused, I'm not the person to talk to, to discount an item. I knew it was bothering him to move it the three times a day he would come in to get a 12pk, more then it bothered me.
Finally yesterday as I was stocking beer I decided to put a hot 12pk behind it. If he came in and didn't want that one I would have got a cold one in the back. His girlfriend came in for him instead. She tried to get the one in the back, but she realized it was hot, so she finally bought the broken up package 12pk! This was the highlight of my night! I'd waited two weeks for someone to buy this one pack, and I finally sold it. Woahoo! The entire time I was ringing her up I kept smiling inside thinking "I win!". I had won. I finally after two weeks sold it. The person who refused to buy it, finally ended up with it. Haha.
I know patience is a hard thing, but like in this story, I knew if I kept putting that 12pk pack in the cooler, eventually somebody would buy it. I waited two whole weeks. Unfortunately, most things that require patience will take longer then two weeks, but don't worry. God's timing is perfect. If I sold that 12pk the same day someone broke the packaging I wouldn't have experienced the happiness I did when I finally sold it. The reward of sticking through that guys annoying comments and complaints paid off. It doesn't matter what you're waiting for, whether it is as small as waiting for someone to buy something, or as big as waiting for the person of your dreams, being patience is always worth it. So, stay strong and just... Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
![]() |
Pack of smokes. $3.26. Emergency, emergency. |
As this guy gives me two bags like this, he began to tell me how he hasn't worked for almost two weeks. He told me he works all the way in the city, which is at least 30 miles away. He said whenever his work calls him back, he won't even be able to get there. He has no gas money.
I'm sorry, but there are some things in life that I just don't understand, this right here is one of those things. He just spent $6.52 on cigarettes. Why the heck doesn't he just save up the $6.52 for gas? That's almost three gallons. I know that won't get him far, but that's at least a start. If he would have saved all that other money he wasted on cigarettes then he would have a whole lot more money for gas.
So many times I'll see situations like that at my job. So many broke adults will feed their addictions before they'll feed their kids. I can't even comprehend that. I've never had a true addiction, but I do understand addictions are a very powerful, but nothing is too powerful to be overcame.
It's a matter of priorities. Which is more important: Cigarettes, alcohol, and lottery, or gas money to drive to work, food to feed your family, etc.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Dusty The Weirdo
Remember the guy from Livin' Life Sober, I'm Lovin' It? He came in a few months ago while my boyfriend (Kevin) was "hanging out" with me while I was working. I was stocking the beer and Dusty came greeted my boyfriend and introduced himself. That I thought was a little odd, sure Dusty is my neighbor, but we never talk or anything. I didn't really think much of it though.
A few weeks later Dusty came in and was talking to my brother T. Once Dusty left T told me what he had said. Apparently my fiance (boyfriend at the time) has been giving Dusty dirty looks. Dusty called my fiance a weirdo. Whatever, anyone who meets Dusty knows that he way more of a weirdo the Kevin will ever be.
The next day I told Ash about this. She just laughed and told me that Dusty had told her the same thing. Then she gave me her opinion on it. She basically suggested that Dusty is the type of guy that thinks he the best. He's a lady's man so in his eyes Kevin should be afraid that Dusty is gonna steal me away from him, so Dusty saw what he wanted to see which was Kevin eyeing him, when all Kevin did was glance at him and look away. Dusty made up those "dirty looks" up in his mind.
I'd forgot about this incident until Sunday. I had to work last Sunday. I dressed up for church like I always do. Put some make-up on, a nice T-Shirt, some nice blue jeans, and I let my hair down. I didn't bother changing for work, or putting my hair up. I felt pretty and I didn't want to ruin that just for work.
Dusty came in and saw me. He acted very shocked by how I looked and made a point to make sure I knew that he thought I was attractive. Actually he came in three times that day, and he said something to me about the way I looked every time. Of course he wasn't the only one who complimented me that day, but he was the only one who did it so consistently.
Isn't it funny how this world sees as beautiful. Dusty had never once expressed any interest in me until he saw me with my hair down and make up on, then I became "hot"...
Ladies, you need to find someone who thinks you're hot without makeup on. Someone who will love you for you. Someone who can accept your flaws and love you anyways. I can't even stress how grateful I am to have found someone like that.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
To Each His Own
I ruined my testimony just because I sell alcohol? It's not like I'm a bartender. I actually think it's a good thing I work at a place where I see a lot of broken people. I'm an example to them. Ever heard the saying "You're the only Bible some people will ever read"? I'm being an example, trying to show them the love that Jesus showed me.
I have never once had someone come up to me and say "Oh, you can't be a Christian because you work at a place that sells alcohol." The only people that think like that are legalistic Christians. God looks at the heart, not where you work, as long as you aren't sinning while working wherever you work.
Some argue, that by selling alcohol I'm being a stumbling block. No, I'm not being one. Most of the regulars there know I am a Christian and that I don't drink. They know my reasoning as well. Not because I'm underage, really, being underage doesn't stop anyone, they know I don't drink because I'm a Christian and I want to be different from everyone else. I'm not gonna cause someone to buy alcohol just because I sell it.
Also, I guess this depends on where your views are. I know a lot of Christians think drinking is wrong, it's not. What's wrong is getting drunk. Drinking in moderation is okay. Most likely I don't know how much they are drinking. God doesn't hold me responsible for them getting wasted, he holds themselves responsible.
If you think I'm wrong, that's okay. To each person his own. Everyone has their own convictions, if God is convicting you not to work at a place that sells alcohol, that's okay. Just please don't tell me my testimony is ruined because I do. God is using me here to bring others to him.
Sorry this really wasn't well written and I didn't use any verses to back me up, I just needed to rant about how I feel about that subject before it drove me crazy!
Monday, April 20, 2015
The Benefit Of The Doubt
"T-t-ten dollars on two."
"Okay." I smiled.
"Why don't you-u guys have a sign saying it-it's prepay only?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry." I really wasn't sure what he was expecting me to say, I'm just the cashier. I have no control over whether we have signs or not. And really, I agree with him...We probably should have signs up saying it's prepay only for cash.
My boss jumped in after he heard me say that. "The pumps aren't prepay." He said rudely.
"Yeah, only if you have a credit card. He's talking about with cash prepay." I told my boss.
"Y-yeah. You-u guys should have signs." The "slow" man said, now talking to my boss.
"Well nobody does that anymore, it's just common sense." My boss shot out.
"Well, w-when w-w-was the last time you had signs?" The "slow" man asked, not wanting to let this subject go.
My boss, now more irritated the before just said. "Have a good day." In other words, please leave before you make me really mad.
The man came back in for his refund then bought two 12oz cans of soda and 12oz of v8. The man was actually grumpy towards me this time, although I guess the first time he was kind of grumpy also.
Once he left for good my boss said, "He was kinda creepy."
"No, he wasn't, he was just slow." I replied, annoyed my boss had just called someone creepy for being slow. Nothing he did was creepy. Yeah, he was kinda grumpy, but I would have been too if someone spoke to me with the attitude my boss spoke to him.
My boss looked at me and smiled. "You always give people the benefit of the doubt." I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing what to say. Then he started ranting about how he doesn't, but that's probably just because he's been burned more then I have. After he finally quit ranting about that he got back on to the original subject. "Well, if he was slow then he was creepy and slow." In other words, like I already said. My boss thought he was creepy, just because he was slow. I just said yeah to it, knowing disagreeing with my boss would have only made him irritated with me.
It really bothers me that my boss thought this man was creepy just because he was slow. This man was by no means even the slightest creepy. I'm a 20 year old female, cashier who deals with a freakin' lot of creepy men. If anyone knows what creepy is, I sure as heck do. Just because someone is different from you are doesn't give you the right to give them a mean label. Different is good.
One thing I've learned from working at this store is you never really know these people. People tend to hide their true selves from others. We tend to only show others a small part of ourselves, only letting people to see what we want them too. I don't know their life story, I don't know how their day really was, I don't even know most of their names. The man who won't quit complaining about everything might have lost his job. The woman who won't smile back at me (by the way this drives me crazy!) someone she was very close to might have just died. The drunk who comes in three times a day to buy beer, lost this baby in a car accident that was his fault. The women who always insults me is battling a messy divorce. The man who is always smiling has cancer. That kid who steals is having trouble at home with his abusive parents. That's why I give, and always will give people the benefit of the doubt. I don't know them, nor their story. It's not my place to judge them. That's God's place.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Staying Faithful
He came in a few days ago and got his usual cup of ice, and he bought a 16oz of sprite, which is very unusual. He paid for that soda and remembered he needed cigarettes. Two packs of Kool blue shorts. He paid with his credit card for that. Once he was done, he just stood there and stared at me for a few seconds, which is creepy, I know, but that isn't anything unusual for him. He always just stares at me with his sad eyes. He caught a glimpse of my engagement ring.
"You're engaged?" He asked me.
I smile "Yeah, I am." He gave him the funniest face ever, like he was shocked and thought me getting married was a bad thing. "What's the funny face for?" I asked, slightly offended by his face.
He ignored my question. "Bye Hannah." Then he walked away. This whole thing I thought was funny, but I just assumed his funny face was just that he wasn't happy in his marriage so he thought it was dumb I was getting married.
A few days after that, last night, he came in again. He always passes the register before he gets his ice, but this time he stopped to talk with me.
"You know why I made that funny face?" He asked.
"No, I don't know."
"I always thought you and I would marry." If this was any other guy I would have thought he was joking, but Mikey was very serious.
"But you're already married." I probably should have came up with a better response, but that was honestly the only thing I thought to say.
"No, we still could marry." Then he walked away to get his cup of ice. He came back to the register.
"Okay, you're good." Even though he knows we'll give him the ice free every time, he always has us okaying the free ice each time.
"No, I want something else." He said and turned around and picked out an almond snickers bar and set it on the conveyer belt. "Is he a Christian at least?"
"Yes, he is." I smiled.
"Good." He handed me a dollar bill. "He sure is a lucky man." I just smiled. I really wasn't sure what I should have said. I guess I could have said something like "I know right!", I felt like any response I could have had would have just been a stuck up response. I know Kevin thinks he's lucky and apparently Mikey thinks Kevin is lucky, but I really don't see myself anything special like Mikey was implying. "Well, if things don't work out, I'll still be here."
"It will." I smiled. I don't have even one single doubt that things with Kevin and I won't work out. Yeah our relationship isn't perfect, but we have the "secret" ingredient to any relationship. Jesus.
"I hope it does." He said.
"It will." I said with more confidence then the first time.
My first thought: What the heck just happened. This guy is M.A.R.R.I.E.D. Although, I really wouldn't have called this situation as flirting, it was definitely unnecessary. I know he flirts with other women besides me. Once he actually managed to ask Ash out on a date. Ash was gonna go, as she put it "free food" until I told her he was married. I've been told that this guy used to flirt with my other (no longer working) sister Suzie. He always creeply stares at Mollie.
I know I don't know what Mikey's story is. I barely know him at all, I just know that he's married, he's old, and he's a creeper.
Being a young cashier, I get a lot of married men flirting with me. I just don't understand it. When you marry, you're committing a lifetime to whom ever you married. Don't waste that lifetime looking at other women or other men. If you aren't happy, then do something about it. Make yourself happy, get marriage counseling, do something. Just please, stay faithful. Faithful emotionally and physically.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
9 Reasons Why I Will Be Quitting My Job
"Honestly, I'm probably not going to stay here." I paused for a moment trying to think of out all my nine reasons I plan on quitting which one is the best to use. "I would never see Kevin. He works the day shift and I work the night shift; I would only see him a few hours each day, only in the morning and bedtime."
"Just like Jo (his girlfriend, the assistant manger) and I." He said casually, like it was no big deal not to see your spouse only a few hours each day. "Well, I just wanted to ask so I could start planning." Then he walked away. I could feel his disappointment that I wasn't staying.
My heart was pounding during this entire conversation. I didn't want to tell him I was quitting just yet. I wasn't sure what his reaction was gonna be, which was mainly what I was afraid of. When he asked me if I planned on quitting or not, I wanted to take the easy road out and just tell him that I hadn't really thought of it yet, only I had and I didn't want to lie either. The thing is sometimes it's better to get the hard questions answered sooner then later. Eventually I would have had to answer that question anyways, so there wasn't much point of lying and prolonging his curiosity.
I mentioned I have nine reasons I plan on quitting, here they are:
- It will save gas money.
I will be living around thirty miles away from my workplace. Not only will it save me gas money, but it will save my dad and brother gas money. They come up every night I close so it costs them as well.
- It will save my sister (the manger) money.
My sister buys $6 of lottery for my dad every time I close. I close five days a week. That's $30 a week. $1,560 a year! That's a lot of money to waste on lottery...
- It will give my dad and brother more free time.
If I didn't close they would have 6.15 hours more of free time a week.
- I would never get to see Kevin.
I work the evening shift, he works the day shift. I work 1:00- 9:15, he works 8:00-5:30ish. I wouldn't get home until 9:45, so bedtime would literally be the only time we'd see each other.
- I hate driving in snow.
I don't mind the five miles I have to drive now, but thirty miles in the snow? I don't think so! I wouldn't be able to call in either. My sister (the manger) made an agreement with our boss since she lives thirty miles away that she will never have to drive in the snow. He freaks out every winter and calls her “unreliable” and makes her drive in the snow anyways. That's not gonna be me.
- I want to see what else is out there.
Maybe this is a dumb reason, but I want to see what it's like to be a bank teller, hotel receptionist, secretary, or something different from a cashier at a grocery store at least. Right now the possibilities are endless.
- I want to make more money. I'll need to make more money. Right now I'm living at my parents, so I have very few bills, but
once I move I'll have a lot of bills so I'll need to make more.
- More hours. In the winter I get about 36 hours. In the summer I get about 38 hours. He freaks out if I get any overtime. I love overtime.
- Working Sundays. I hate working Sundays, here lately I've been working two Sundays a month. I know that isn't that bad, but to me, Sunday should be a day of rest. I am hoping to find a job where I won't have to work any Sundays.
Don't get me wrong there are reasons I should stay as well, but staying is not an option. The reasons I should quit out weighs the reasons why I should stay. I'm gonna miss it a lot, I'm gonna miss working with my two amazing sisters, I'm gonna miss all my customers, I'm gonna miss my co-worker Ash. I know they will miss me too. It really will be sad to go, but I'm excited to see where this new chapter in my life is gonna take me.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Blonde Moments
I had a blonde moment today, actually it lasted more then a moment, it lasted half of an hour.
My boss called and told me to change the gas prices around 6:30. I don't mind changing the gas prices, it's easy and I've probably done it less then thirty times, but still it's easy. Although it's easy I still hate changing them because I don't want to mess up and accidentally change the prices wrong, and I can't change them while people are pumping gas, so I have to go out there and ask them to wait. Almost most people don't mind waiting, I feel like I'm being rude, especially if the prices are going up; like they were tonight.
It was decently busy, or at least the pumps were, I was started to worry because I needed to send Ash home at 7:00, but I couldn't change the prices because the pumps were just to busy. Finally at 7:05 the pumps were empty, Ash offered to stay for a minute to make sure no one pumped. That was awesome. I did every step careful, trying not to mess up. Once I got done, Ash checked to see if the prices on the pump had changed. They didn't. It still said 2.10. By the time she came in and told me, the pumps were full again. Grr. I waited, once they were empty I tried changing the prices again, doing every step even more careful then the first time, just in case I had missed a step, which caused it not to change. Ash went back outside to see if the prices had changed, it still didn't work. At this point, I'm so confused and have no idea what's going on, so I call my sister (the manger) and asked her what to do. I asked Ash to stay longer also, so I could figure this out without having to watch the register. My sister asked me to try changing the prices one more time, so I waited for people to finish pumping and I tried changing it again. Once again, I was very careful doing all the steps. Still nothing. At this point I decided it wasn't me and lost hope of being able to change the prices without calling my boss, whom I hate bothering. My sister told me to try clearing the DCR's. Which basically just resets the pumps. She told me where to find the instructions on how to do it. As I followed these instructions I was even more careful, I had never done this before at all, so I didn't want to make things worst. Clearing the DCR's took about 10 minutes. Once they were cleared my sister told me to change the gas prices one more time, then if this didn't work I would just have to call my boss. I waited for a lady to finish pumping then I started to change the prices, as I was doing the last step, I realized something. I was hitting the ''yes'' button, not ''enter'' like I usually do... Sure enough, after I hit the enter button the prices changed. I can't even describe how stupid I felt at that moment. I had wasted Saddie's (my sister), Ash's and my own time. Half an hour wasted just because I was being blonde! Wow. I'm just so glad I realized what I was doing wrong before I called my boss.
Everyone I told this story to said the same thing. ''Everyone has moments like that.'' I still tried and bring myself down over this, I know it wasn't anything big but I still felt stupid.
The thing is, everyone's response couldn't have been anymore right. Blonde moments are just a part of life, they happen to everyone. There's no getting around it. There's no need to bring myself down over anything, especially just a blonde moment like that. In five years nobody is going to be mad over that incident, most likely they won't remember it. So lighten up, and laugh at your blonde moments, and make the best out of them.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Just Like That Tree
It was a slow night, I had already had everything done so I didn't care that I was texting my boyfriend while working, I had less then an hour left anyways. One of my favorite customers came in. He saw I was on my phone, normally I try to hide when I am, but I didn't care that night.
“Aren't you suppose to be cleaning?” He asked jokingly. He's one of the customers that usually comes in the same time I mop, so it's very rare for him to see me doing anything else but cleaning.
“Nope, already got everything done.“ I smiled.
“Facebooking?” He asked, seriously now.
“No, texting.“ I smiled once again.
“What did you just say?” He looked shocked.
I looked at him straight in the eye so he understood me this time. “Texting.“
“Oh okay,” He looked relieved. “I thought you said sexting”
“Oh definitely not.” I felt ashamed just hearing that word.
“Okay good. A good Christian girl like yourself shouldn't be doing things like that.“
“I would never do that.” I felt guilty, I had done that before, and now I'm lying about it.
Kevin and I went walking through some woods earlier today. During our walk there was a creek with a fallen down tree laying perfectly across the creek. Kevin just walked around it.
“What you don't want to walk across it?“
“No, it probably is sturdy, but just in case.” I went around it as well and saw there was a big crack in the middle of the tree.
“There's a crack.“
“See, good thing we didn't walk across it.” He paused for a moment. “Sometimes things look sturdy, but they aren't really.”
I felt like that tree that had fallen down. On the outside everyone sees this perfect little Christian girl who would never do anything like sext. Someone who knows what she believes and will stick with it no matter what. Someone who can conquer temptations of any kind. Someone who has it all together. Someone strong. Someone godly. Everyone sees someone I'm not, just like that customer did.
Here lately, I've been feeling anything but sturdy. I feel like I'm putting on this act, pretending to be someone I'm not. Someone I want to be. Pretending to be this sturdy girl, when it reality I'm not sturdy on the inside. I'm broken, just like that tree. I have fallen and I don't know how to get up. I don't know how to get out of this mess I've created. I'm stuck.
The amazing thing is, it doesn't matter how stuck I am. It doesn't matter how far I've fallen. Jesus will always be here to help me up. I can't do it on my own, but with him I can do anything, Through my weakness Jesus makes me strong. Isn't that cool? We all have some sort of weakness, but Jesus will use our weaknesses to work though us and make us stronger then we ever thought possible.