Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just Give Me Some Time

 I'm really behind on writing blogs, I have like three just from Bi-Lo that I need to write. That's not even counting all the blogs I had planned on writing from my previous job.

 It was a week after I started Bi-Lo. I worked 6-1, which meant I got the newspaper crowd. The first newspaper I sold that day the lady just walked up to me with a newspaper in her hand, and change is the other hand. She handed me 75¢ without giving me the chance to ring up the newspaper. Once I rung up the 75¢ it ended up being more with tax. Although I knew newspapers don't have tax I wasn't sure how to do it so I just let my drawer be short the other amount. 
 An hour or so later this guy came in and wanted a newspaper. I almost did what I did with the lady before him and just let my drawer be short some odd cents, but he had a different plan.
 "Newspaper. No tax." He said very demanding as he walked up to my register.
 "Okay, let me figure this out." I said as I was looking through my register's options, seeing if there was a newspaper button.
 He handed me his dollar and waited a whole five seconds before he decided to go over and ask for help with customer service.
 He talked with the lady up there and she yelled out to me the PLU to put in the newspaper. I rung up it up, and opened the drawer to get the man's quarter. Right after I grabbed the quarter out of the drawer he came back to my register.
 "I need my dollar back." He said rudely. 
 "No, you it costed 75¢." I replied nicely.
 "I paid for it over there." He said.
 "Oh" I said as I opened my drawer and handed him his dollar back.
 "Your drawer is gonna be short." He said like he couldn't care less that it was his fault my drawer was going to be short.
 "It'll be okay." I tried my hardest to say this with a smile, but I'm sure he could still tell I was annoyed.
 Thankfully I was able to talk to the lady from customer service and she fixed my drawer so it wouldn't be short.

 Here's the thing, I'm still new. I'm still learning how to do everything. Please don't get upset with me just because in reality I don't know everything. It's just gonna take a little time, but I'll figure out these things, If I could just have your patience and grace that would make this learning process a whole heck of a lot easier for the both of us.
 I understand we live in a fast pace world. We want things instantly. If we go into a store we expect everything to go smoothly. New people are just an inconvenience. But that doesn't make it okay to get upset with me just because I'm trying to figure something new out. Just give me some time please.



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